Monday, July 30, 2012

Boundaries in Breastfeeding

Welcome to the Fabulous Hybrid Blog Carnival. Our topic this summer is BOUNDARIES! This post was written for inclusion in the quarterly Blog Carnival hosted by The Fabulous Mama Chronicles and Hybrid Rasta Mama. This month our participants reflect on boundaries in all of its many forms. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.

**This post in no way makes judgment on any parenting choices or decisions. Just an explanation of what was needed for me and my breastfeeding relationships to thrive!** 

When I was younger, I saw a woman who practiced full-term breastfeeding; her child was about 2. While it seems many people get squicked out and think "I could never breastfeed a child that old," I saw more. I saw how wonderful it was to the breastfeeding pair to have that available to help keep their connection during a busy event. The only thing I saw was the mother's embarrassment at her child's manner of request: lifting her shirt up, without warning.

This memory served to form some of my earliest thoughts on breastfeeding. I felt bad for her embarrassment, but could see how creating boundaries could help me and my future child enjoy a full term breastfeeding relationship, while honoring my needs at the same time. The World Health Organization calls for breastfeeding for at least 2 years or or more. Le Leche League calls for the relationship to continue for as long as they wish to. For my personal needs, I knew I needed to address my need for bodily autonomy from the very beginning, so I could be better able to meet my children's breastfeeding needs as long as possible.

From the start, we worked to teach methods of communicating that could be used anywhere and anytime. We would teach sign language; we used the sign for milk. My boys picked this up fairly quickly, L3 has other ideas. She hits my breast when she wants to nurse. I love that she is developing a clear sign for her needs, but it isn't one that I feel is respectful. So I do my best to gently take her hand (I usually kiss her fist,) request gentle touches and help her sign milk. When each of them started reaching in my shirt, I would do the same, but including mentioning that this was MY body and I would share, but needed to be asked rather than just being touched without permission.

The bonus lesson to teaching about person body space is also teaching my children that bodies are personal. Theirs as well. It is ours to use and share as we feel comfortable. I want to teach them it is ok to require respect of their space from outside sources.

As your child gets older, it is important for breastfeeding to be mutually agreeable. There are times we need to set respectful limits, so everyone has their needs met.

Visit Hybrid Rasta Mama and the Fabulous Mama Chronicles to find out how you can participate in the next Fabulous Hybrid Carnival! Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Since my lovely friend Georgia showed us how easy it is to make jam and jar it for later, we have been so excited to try more and more. We did plum jam, green tomato sauce (it just wasn't warm enough for our garden!), and home fermented sauerkraut. This we are kicking into gear again!

My first attempt this year was the strawberry jam. I have "fixed" it by reboiling it as I open a new jar; so I don't have to reprocess the jars.

Then I made blueberry jam, and it was PERFECT. My boys have a new word: "Its de-li-ciou-sis, Mommy!"

With homemade gluten free bread!

Today was lemon curd, using a recipe from Alton Brown.

Oh, and just for good measure: Blueberry Vodka.
1qt Vodka
1 cup Blueberries
2 tablespoons sugar

Put in mason jar, muddle blueberries a bit, and give a shake twice a day for a few weeks. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Meal Plan Monday: July 22nd, 2012

Swedish Meatballs


Chicken with asparagus in ham in a green pesto sauce


Honey Marsala Pork Loin

Superfood Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette (minus pomegranates, they are not in season now!)

Garden Salad! (Literally, from MY garden!)

Meal Plan Monday

Monday, July 16, 2012

Meal Plan Monday: July 16th, 2012

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Breakfast for Dinner

Mini Pizzas

Taco Salad and Nachos

Biscuts and Gravy

Lentil Helper

Salmon Caesar Salad

Meal Plan Monday

Monday, July 9, 2012

Meal Plan Monday: July 9th, 2012


Quinoa Pasta Salad with Roasted Artichokes and Pesto

Pork Roast

Polish Dogs and Mac 'n Cheese

Pesto Rice & Beans

Strawberry, Chicken, and Poppy-seed Dressing Salad

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

2 cups chickpeas (garbanzo beans), cooked and rinsed
1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half
2 cucumbers,  chopped
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, finely chopped
1 tablespoon fresh oregano, finely chopped
1/3 cup crumbled feta cheese
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
salt and cracked black pepper, to taste

1. In a large prep bowl, combine the first six ingredients.
2. Add the lemon juice and olive oil and toss together to combine and coat thoroughly.
3. Season to taste with salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve.

Meal Plan Monday

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Strawberry Preserves!

LOOK! I made strawberry jam syrup all by myself!

This was only my 3rd attempt at canning, second making jam, and first by myself. It tastes delicious, but just hasn't set right. I am reading that strawberries are particularly temperamental, and I goofed a bit on when to add the sugar and pectin, so I don't feel too bad about it.  

Do you have any tips to share? Recipes that call for strawberry syrup? I'm all ears!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wordless Wednesday July 4th, 2012: Unpacking

Back yard


First Dinner

Moving in

Boys' Room

First Bath

Front Yard

First time I've been able to hang this outside!

Moving is hard work!

Play Room!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Meal Plan Monday: July 2nd, 2012

Easy Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers

Spaghetti Squash Spaghetti

Broccoli, Chik'n, and Rice Casserole

Tahini quinoa bowl with beets, kale and chickpeas

Spring rolls

Oven Fried Pork Chops with Mashed Potatoes

Chili Cheese Fries

Meal Plan Monday