Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Season of Connection

The holidays are such a wonderful time. Food, family, friends, and all kinds of parties and gatherings to attend. And traditions to honor. This year we have created a new one.
There is a book and elf doll that many are fond of this time of year. It was not a story that ever really matched our family. So my husband and I came up with our own version.
We wanted to create a story that would help remind us that the holidays are meant to be a celebration of love and connection. Because we all know how easy it is to become distracted and lose focus on our children's needs with all the tasks that are added to our to-do lists this time of year. Something that promoted togetherness and could reset our day.
Meet our Grinch. He will keep an eye on us through the month. But, instead of running off to tattle about wrongdoings, he recognizes that we all just need love. When we start to misbehave, when we just need some time with each other, he will be there. Ready with a craft, recipe, or book to inspire us to come together, let go of whatever is bothering us and do something together. Even if we are having a wonderful day, we can still look to the Grinch to have ideas to help us fill our cups. I have listed more than enough activities, as quite a few have more than one creation to make, so we can even have more than one a day!
I found a number of simple crafts at the store. Wood ornaments to paint or color. Foam gingerbread house and tree.  We pack away our holiday books, so we can bring then out one by one, as well as utilizing the library. Movies are not part of our plan, we wanted something engaging. This is not meant to be a month of new toys and gifts, so we will be using a lot of supplies we have on hand and making our holiday presents for family and friends.
1. Advent paper rings.
2. Craft gingerbread men. Gingerbread men shaped curious to decorate.
3. Cinnamon Bread. I use Bob's Gluten Free Wonderful Bread mix, but add in a thread of cinnamon to make it exciting.
4. Canvas painting. We have a few projects to create to gift to family and friends. I'm sorry I can't give it away!
5. Holiday book
6. Christmas tree table center piece.
7. Wreath walk. Take a walk to collect evergreen boughs, holly branches, pine cones, and anything else that would make a good wreath. Then make a wreath or  swag.
8. Hanukkah! And Bodhi Day! We have a new Hanukkah puzzle.br /> 9. New holiday books
10. Make Christmas cards.
11. Bake gingerbread cookies. Just adapting this recipe from The Farmer's Daughter with gluten free ingredients.
12. Foam snowflake ornament kit.
13. Cinnamon Dough ornaments. Mix equal parts ground cinnamon and apple sauce to dough consistency. May need some adjustments, and still feels sticky, but my kids always love it. Roll out and cut with cookie cutters, and use a straw to punch a hole for ribbon. Let dry over a few days, flipping for uniform drying.
14. New holiday books
15. Water colors!
16. Coffee filter snowflake cutting.
17. Canvas painting!
18. Foam gingerbread house craft kit.
19. Make sugar cookies!
20. Go caroling and deliver sugar cookies.
21. Foam wreath kit.
22. New holiday books
23. Canvas painting!
24. Candy Cane Popcorn "Ornament" Balls

Check out more holiday activities and a collection of other winter holiday celebrations here!


  1. This is such a great idea! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love this idea! Your list of activities sparks a lot of ideas for things to do in our house, too. Thank you!
