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L3: New World: New Year! |
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy New Year!
The New Year is here, and it is time to get back on the ball! This week will welcome the return of Meal Plan Monday, Tell All Tuesday, and Wordless Wednesday. It is also time to revamp our House Blessing. With changed schedules (hubby working graveyard) and the arrival of Little Three, we need to find a new method of keeping up on things around the house. I haven't yet decided how to run that segment, so for now we'll just call it Fix-It Up Friday. Because I'm a little lame and like to keep up my lame Daily Theme. But, you love me, so it works out. Right?
What kind of Resolutions are you making this year, if any?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Best of Natural Parents Network Volunteers Blog Blitz 2011

Abbie at Farmer's Daughter shares her Christmas Cookie Swap Blog Hop, which is her fourth annual virtual cookie swap and most popular post of the year. Please stop by and link up your favorite holiday recipe until Dec. 31. You can find Farmer's Daughter on Facebook and Twitter.
Adrienne from Mommying My Way shares Fear vs. Faith, one of her favorite posts about how often living a life of faith can look like a life of fear, but the two are really quite different. You can also find Mommying My Way on Facebook.
Alicia of Lactation Narration retells the story of her oldest daughter's 5 years of nursing and weaning in her favorite post of 2011, The Weaning Party. You can find Lactation Narration on Facebook and Twitter.
Amy of Toddler In Tow shares Finding My Mommy-Zen, her most viewed post of 2011. In this post, she shares her desire to balance her own self-esteem by choice in order to parent with peace and compassion. You can also find Toddler In Tow on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter, and follow Amyables (Amy W.) on Google + and Ravelry.
Arpita of Up, Down, and Natural shares one of her most popular posts titled Reflections. This is a beautiful look at the type of mother she wants to be. You can find Up, Down, and Natural on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Charise of I Thought I Knew Mama shares Why Do Children Have More Food Allergies Than Ever Before?, her most viewed post of 2011. This post explains the shocking info that one unsuspecting mother discovered when she started researching why her daughter had a violent allergic reaction to eggs. This is a must read post for ensuring the health of your family. You can also find I Thought I Knew Mama on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Stumbleupon.
Christine of African Babies Don’t Cry shares The Best First Food for Babies, one of her favourite posts of 2011. This well-researched post delves into the healthiest and most nutritious food to feed your baby. You can also find African Babies Don’t Cry on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest.
Cynthia of The Hippie Housewife shares Gentle Discipline for Toddlers, her most viewed post of 2011. This post describes five gentle discipline tools for parenting toddlers. You can also find The Hippie Housewife on Facebook, Google +, and Pinterest.
Darcel of The Mahogany Way shares how Babywearing Is A Way of Life one of her favorite post of 2011. This post showcases some beautiful woven wraps that she has purchased, traded, borrowed, and sold over the years. Darcel also talks about the benefits of babywearing from the newborn through toddler stage. You can also find Darcel{ The Mahogany Way} on Facebook, Twitter, Her Community for Mothers of Color, and Pinterest.
Dionna of Code Name Mama shares 50 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids Plus Fun Serving Suggestions, her most viewed post of 2011. Most of these snacks are quick to fix and portable, so you can pack them to send with your child on play dates, at preschool, or to just have handy in the refrigerator for when your child wants to grab a bite to eat “all by himself.” You can find Dionna on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Erica at ChildOrganics shares a post that is not only close to her heart, but also her most viewed post for 2011 titled Attachment Parenting in the NICU. This post shares her top 10 tips for parenting should you find yourself with a baby in the NICU. You can also find Erica on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Gretchen of That Mama Gretchen shares her personal experience of returning to work, expressing milk, and the ups and downs in between in her 2011 most viewed post, Mama's Milk. You can also find Gretchen on GFC, Blog Lovin', Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Isil of Smiling like Sunshine shares how to make an autumn tree using pumpkin seeds, her most popular post in 2011. This post features a lovely craft activity that you can do with your kids! You can also find Isil on Facebook and Twitter.
Jennifer of Hybrid Rasta Mama shares 80 Uses For Coconut Oil, her most viewed post of 2011. This comprehensive post provides background information on the benefits of coconut oil as well as outlines 80 uses for it. You can also find Hybrid Rasta Mama on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and Pinterest.
Jennifer of True Confessions of a Real Mommy shares her most popular post of 2011, Weekly House Blessing (Otherwise Known as Cleaning Once a Week). This post outlines a once per week cleaning routine for busy moms. You can also find Jennifer on Twitter.
Joella, the mama behind Fine and Fair, shares An Unusual Gripe with Bebe Gluton, one of her most popular posts of 2011. In it, she discusses the controversy surrounding a "breastfeeding doll" and offers her take on the gender role implications of dolls in general. Fine and Fair can also be found on twitter and facebook.
Julia of A Little Bit of All of It shares the story of how her co-sleeping relationship ended with her daughter, her most viewed post of 2011. This post shows how her daughter transitioned to her own bed on her 2nd birthday and the emotions involved for her mom. You can also find A Little Bit of All of It on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and Pinterest.
Kat at Loving {Almost} Every Moment shares True Blessings: White Noise and Grandparents, her most viewed post of 2011. In this post, Kat talks about how she maximizes getting sleep and how grateful and blessed she is to have her parents be so involved in helping and spending time with her kiddos.
Kelly of Becoming Crunchy shares That Cup Does What?, her most viewed post of 2011. This post is one of a series of reviews and information on switching to all natural menstrual products - having heard so many different options and recommendations, Kelly decided to give a whole bunch of them a try and pull all the reviews together in one week for anyone interested in making the switch. This post in particular covers the ins and outs of the Diva Cup. You can also find Becoming Crunchy on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest.
Kristin of Intrepid Murmurings shares a popular post from 2011, something she and her husband made for their girls for Christmas, great for open-ended play and construction: Handmade Tree Blocks. You can also find Kristin on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
Lani of Boobie Time shares Helping a Fellow Breastfeeding Mom, her inspiration for starting to blog. This post discusses the importance of fellow moms supporting each other and some tips on having a successful breastfeeding relationship.
Laura at WaldenMommy: Life Behind the Red Front Door writes about finally entering "spring" when her child with special needs begins preschool. After battling post-partum mental illness (post tramatic stress disorder) after the preterm birth of her third child, she finally begins to feel healthy and whole again in "It's Fall, Ya'll-Again."
Lauren of Hobo Mama shares On not having an AP poster child, her (OK, second) most viewed post of 2011. Lauren's first child shook her certainty that attachment parenting meant babies never cried and toddlers grew independent — and that's all right, too. You can also find Hobo Mama on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.
Luschka of Diary of a First Child shares Lactivism, Breastfeeding, Bottlefeeding and Mothers at War, one of her most viewed posts of 2011. This post discusses how the breastfeeding/bottle feeding debate causes a division between mothers, leading to the alienation of women and babies, while divisive companies prosper. You can also find Diary of a First Child on Facebook, and Twitter.
Mandy at Living Peacefully with Children shares how With Privilege Comes Responsibility, one of her most viewed posts of 2011. This compelling post explains her strong felt desire to stand up for those less privileged. You can also find Living Peacefully with Children on Facebook.
Melissa of Vibrant Wanderings shares a Montessori-Inspired Checklist for Choosing Toys, her most popular post of 2011. The article outlines some important Montessori principles and how they relate to children's toys, translating that into some simple guiding principles. You can also find Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.
Melissa of
Momma Jorje shares Amniocentesis - What is it *really* like?, one of her most viewed posts of 2011. This open and honest series offers not only the technical process of amniocentesis, but also the emotions involved in awaiting (and receiving) the procedure and a diagnosis. Momma Jorje can also be found on Facebook.
Moorea of MamaLady: Adventures in Queer Parenting shares Fluoride: Another Reason Breast Is Best, her favorite post of 2011. This post provides research on the harmful effects of fluoride in drinking water for babies and toddlers and ways to limit fluoride consumption in your home. You can also find MamaLady on Facebook and Twitter and her Parent Coaching Site.
Rachael at The Variegated Life is Calling the Muse in her most viewed post of 2011. In this post, she describes how she uses ritual to help her tap into her creative spirit. You can also find Rachael on Twitter and The Variegated Life on Facebook.
Rebekah and Chris from Liberated Family shares Using Cloth In a Disposable Society, their favorite post of 2011. This extensive post provides a lot of information regarding the varied uses of cloth as well as the many benefits. You can also find Liberated Family on Twitter.
Sarah at Parenting God's Children shares her most viewed post: Confessions of a Breastfeeding Advocate: I Couldn't. She confesses her struggles with breastfeeding her daughters, but shares why she'll continue the good fight. You can also find Sarah on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Seonaid of The Practical Dilettante offers a science- and reverence-based meditation on The Living Earth, her most viewed post of 2011. This meditation was originally written for Earth Day, but it provides a way to reconnect with your place in the living breathing planet at any time of year. You can also find Seonaid on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.
Shannon at Pineapples & Artichokes shares I Recommend (But Moira Likes This Book Too), her most viewed post of 2011. This post is a review of a wonderful book that talks about all the different ways that families can be made up, along with some of why this topic is so important to her family.
Sheryl at Little Snowflakes shares her experiences with tandem nursing in Tandem Nursing – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, her most viewed post of 2011. You can also find Sheryl on Twitter.
Stay tuned for some amazing posts from all of these tremendous bloggers in 2012!
attachment parenting,
body image,
extended nursing,
Monday, December 19, 2011
Birth Story for L3: 2nd Homebirth after Cesarean
Today is L3's 2 week birthday. It is also her "due date". So, it is about time I get the story down. There are some pictures, but nothing graphic (no genitals or nipples, but bare belly and breastfeeding baby). From beginning to baby took about 25 hours, 13 hours less than L2's birth.
Ever have that dream where you are going to the bathroom, only to wake to hoping you were just dreaming and can make it to the bathroom in time? December 4th, 2011, Sunday morning, I woke to that, only instead of an urge to pee it was a pop and a gush. I wouldn't be making it to the bathroom, my water had just broke.
So I waddled to the bedroom door, seeing that it was about 3:30am, and wondered where my husband was. He should have been home from work about an hour earlier. I loudly whispered his name (he had been reading on the couch) and told him the news. He was surprised, to say the least.
I got to the bathroom, while Mike called our midwife, Dr Brandy, and doula (also our midwife's assistant), Megan. At this point, what is happening hits me, and I completely break down in a panic attack. My birth of L1 started with my water breaking, and it did not go well from there. It took my husband, and phone conversations with my birth team to calm me down, and put us back on track for our plans of a homebirth. Since we weren't having any contractions, everyone stayed home to wait and see how things played out.
Since my boys were still asleep in our bed (and the wet spot I created in my spot at the foot of the bed), and Mike hadn't even been to bed yet, we set up in the living room to get some sleep. Only, my contractions started about an hour later. And got stronger.
We had intended to send the boys and roommates to my brother's to wait. But when they decided to wake up at 5:30am I called my mom to come get them. I knew there was no way I could keep myself calm and focused with kiddos who had woken up too early. So, we kicked everyone out by 8 or 9am.
Mike and I spent the day resting in our "nest", watching the second season of the original series of Star Trek, taking walks, and just being together. My contractions were very uneven, though were pretty strong. All day we played that game. Sleep, snack, Star Trek.
At 5ish, I was getting uncomfortable and decided to get into the tub. Everyone (myself included) thought that my baby would wait for nighttime to arrive. But instead of resting, my contractions became stronger. I breathed and moaned though them, in the glow of our Christmas lights, with Christmas music playing. I remember at one point thinking it was taking forever, and a non-Christmas song came on. The lyrics to the song were EXACTLY what I needed to hear (really, listen to it).
So again, we rested, we snacked, we walked (not pleasant at all: 20 degrees and throwing up on the stairs), we listened to Christmas music and basked in the glow of our lights.
Déjà vu all over again. Megan told my husband to sleep, me to relax in the birth tub, and she made herself scarce (My doula is rad like that. She knows when to kick my ass into gear, when I need encouraging, and when to just leave me alone. Check her out if you want an awesome doula). With everyone otherwise occupied I started having good, steady contractions again. The birth tub got cold, so I moved to our shower.
After delivering the placenta, exploring the system that nourished my little girl (cord that went FOREVER, twice around her neck, and around her body, between her legs), attempting to initiate breastfeeding (she wasn't interested yet), and the arrival of my midwife (because I didn't mention how far along I thought I was, no one knew to call her sooner. Sorry Dr. B!), we shifted to the bed to snuggle for a bit before cutting the cord, checking for tears, and doing her newborn check. She was 7lbs 6oz, 19in. All healthy, no stitches needed, and we were bundled up for the best part: the first nap, snuggled in my bed, with my husband and beautiful new baby girl.
Ever have that dream where you are going to the bathroom, only to wake to hoping you were just dreaming and can make it to the bathroom in time? December 4th, 2011, Sunday morning, I woke to that, only instead of an urge to pee it was a pop and a gush. I wouldn't be making it to the bathroom, my water had just broke.
So I waddled to the bedroom door, seeing that it was about 3:30am, and wondered where my husband was. He should have been home from work about an hour earlier. I loudly whispered his name (he had been reading on the couch) and told him the news. He was surprised, to say the least.
I got to the bathroom, while Mike called our midwife, Dr Brandy, and doula (also our midwife's assistant), Megan. At this point, what is happening hits me, and I completely break down in a panic attack. My birth of L1 started with my water breaking, and it did not go well from there. It took my husband, and phone conversations with my birth team to calm me down, and put us back on track for our plans of a homebirth. Since we weren't having any contractions, everyone stayed home to wait and see how things played out.
Since my boys were still asleep in our bed (and the wet spot I created in my spot at the foot of the bed), and Mike hadn't even been to bed yet, we set up in the living room to get some sleep. Only, my contractions started about an hour later. And got stronger.
We had intended to send the boys and roommates to my brother's to wait. But when they decided to wake up at 5:30am I called my mom to come get them. I knew there was no way I could keep myself calm and focused with kiddos who had woken up too early. So, we kicked everyone out by 8 or 9am.
I bawled my eyes out. We were in gear and really progressing. We called Megan to come over. I got out of the tub needing to use the bathroom. And the contractions stopped.
I decided to check myself at that point. I was beginning to loose some of my hope, and was hoping to find myself decently dilated, which I was. I still felt a bit of a lip though. So, as Mike dozed while sitting on the toilet (just as a seat), I labored in the shower. There came a point where I started feeling like pushing, but was worried it wasn't really time. So, I pushed a little. Then a little more. I didn't tell anyone I was pushing, I had a fear they would tell me to stop. When I realized I couldn't stop pushing, I woke up Mike and told him to get Megan. When she saw there was no access to my bathroom, she encouraged me to try to get to the bed.
I made it out of the tub and to the toilet. Then I realized if I stayed much longer, I was going to have a baby in the toilet. So, I moved again. About 3 steps. Then I announced I couldn't go further and needed to push, even though I wasn't sure I was complete enough. Must have been though, because I squat down (right at the edge of the bathroom linoleum) and pushed. Good thing Megan keeps medical gloves in her pocket, and the chux pads were in arms reach of Mike. Out came baby in just a couple of pushes! I reached down, lifted the baby to my chest, and fell back into Mike's arms. After a few moments of rubbing baby down to get some response, we took a look and saw we had a GIRL! Really. I checked repeatedly over the next few days, that is how surprised I am.
Itty Bitty baby butt, huge boob. |
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Birth of L2: August 20th, 2009
As I began to write my birth story for L3's birth, I realized that L2 was never cross-posted here. So, enjoy while I work out my thoughts on my latest birth!
After many days of warm-up labor, I felt we were at the real thing Monday afternoon. Went to bed about 10 that night after calling our doula to warn her things were happening, but we were going to try to sleep. I woke up to strong contractions at about 1:30am. After an early morning of getting things put together, kicking out family at 9ish, midwife check about 9:30, we then had a whole day of uneven contractions. It wasn't until 10pm, when I realized that L1 was about to spend his first night away from my husband and me, that I needed to put my all into this and not just wait and see.
(Totally loose track of time in this part. Somewhere between 1am and conclusion at 6:35am.) So we walked, then I started telling myself when to have contractions. I would tell myself "Now," a contraction would start, I would be with it, it would resolve, I would take a drink and a breath, then start it again. Soon after they took the pace on their own and we were officially in to hard labor. As things became more difficult, I spent time in the shower and in the labor tub. I remember getting angry that it hurt so bad! I would hit the tub edge. When I was getting IV antibiotics for Strep B, I was stuck to many times, my midwife's assistant FELL on me (I am sure she was horrified) and when my midwife broke my water she accidentally stuck me with the tool. At that point I WHINED. I complained that it wasn't fair for it to hurt so bad, people
falling on me, being stabbed with everything. I was told I was complete, second check revealed I wasn't. Midwife left for another birth, I had a backup midwife come (who was wonderful as well, even if I did hate her for the great help she was in pushing aside a cervical lip when I couldn't wait to push anymore.)
Finally, my son was born at 6:35am, in my bed! He was born with his hand next to his cheek, causing all the trouble! 8lbs 12 oz, 21in. I had 8 stitches to repair tearing, then we spent the rest of the morning sleeping, IN MY OWN BED! It was amazing. Now, 3 weeks later I am back to work, can chase
my toddler around again, and am almost 100%. I couldn't imagine a better way for things to go, as they all went in the way to bring me to my amazing HBAC! I really do feel like a REAL woman now.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Wordless Wednesday December 7th, 2011: Little Three is HERE!
Wordless Wednesday
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Gratitude Challenge
I was just thinking that most of my posts lately have been a lot of complaining. Then, my lovely friend Amanda over at Let's Take the Metro sent out a Thanksgiving challenge. 100 things you are grateful for. Sounds perfect. So, ready set, here I go.
- My husband. He is husband and daddy extraordinaire.
- L1, he is so caring and funny!
- L2. He is really his own person, and won't let you forget it!
- L3. Even though we have yet to meet, you bring wonder to my day.
- When new recipes are a hit.
- Comfy pillow arrangements.
- Friends
- The "adult" jokes hidden in kid's movies.
- Cute cloth diapers.
- "Baby" Carriers
- Coffee
- Flavored syrups
- Caring Midwives
- Awesome Doulas
- Yoga pants
- Giant closets
- Fleece blankets
- Hair color in rainbow colors
- Social Media outlets. I know, but I DO get a lot of good things out of it!
- Braxton Hicks. Trying to think positive here.
- My mom, now that we have things figured out.
- My sister, for everything she does for us.
- My brothers, who are awesome uncles.
- My dad, who is the kindest grumpy old man ever.
- Amazing support communities
- Properly cooked bacon: crisp, but not brittle
- Leftovers
- The Hunger Games series
- Knit hats
- Knit scarves
- Wool coats
- My chiropractor!
- Grace. The only thing keeping me from drowning in guilt.
- Brothers playing and laughing together
- Music, to match any mood, and alter them as well.
- Tea. From soothing and warm to robust and iced!
- Sleep. Uninterrupted, warm and cozy sleep.
- Family bed. Knowing my whole family is tucked and safe in arms reach.
- Washer and dryer in my house. Dirty diapers don't make friends in laundromats.
- My camera, so I can have more memories on record than my mind can hold.
- Belly Buddies: Jorje, Shannon, Dionna, Roxanne, Lauren, and even those whose babies weren't ready for this world.
- Freshly made beds.
- The health of my family.
- Scented candles
- The Library
- My neti pot
- Restaurants, especially ones that work with our food sensitivities.
- Bubble baths
- People who can have respectful conversation, even if our ideas don't match.
- Yarn
- Being able to create things from yarn.
- Irving Berlin, for writing a soundtrack to this list.
- Klesick Family Farms for their organic produce delivery
- Homebirth
- My husband's job.
- Health insurance
- My ability to sew
- Living in a mostly like-minded area
- Disney
- Le Leche League: for helping me find my tribe and giving me a place to help others
- Yoga, for helping my body stay loose and able to breath.
- People who fight for what is right, in hopes of a better future for all
- The family spa at the rec center.
- Massage
- The holiday season and its reminder to us to think of others.
- Intuitive parenting and how it helps our family
- Learning acceptance of my emotions
- Trader Joe's.
- Zumba
- Babylegs, sometimes the only thing my kids will wear.
- Skype playdates
- Pickles: can't be sad while eating a pickle!
- Cheese, and it's many personalities and combinations.
- Movies. A great break from reality.
- Slipper socks
- Hot showers
- Public Transportation. It saves us so much!
- "Traveling" maternity clothes, so we don't all have to buy a new wardrobe.
- Stores who recognize the need for allergy sensitive foods.
- Candles
- Children's joy of learning, always inspiring more learning for all of us.
- My Crock Pot
- "Vaginas at Christmas"
- Good microbrews
- Good wine
- Hugs, even though I am still learning to accept them.
- Children's programming I can watch with my kids.
- The Natural Parents Network team.
- Blogger, for the space to share myself.
- The support and readiness I feel after my Mother Blessing.
- Christmas music
- Holiday movies
- Gorgeous maternity portraits
- My garden
- Nutritional supplements that help when food is not enough.
- New batteries in my car key clicker after 2 years without.
- Home
- Bedtimes
- Friends who can explain bloggy tech speak to me
- That my life is amazing enough to have 100 things to share I am grateful for!
Check out some other grateful people this Thanksgiving and holiday season, and feel free to share yours!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wordless Wednesday November 23rd, 2011: Mother Blessing
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Meal Plan Monday November 14th, 2011: The Thanksgiving Special
Because we have enough leftovers from last week, and plans with family coming to town this week, I decided to take this chance to share how we do Thanksgiving. We have used this plan for almost the entire time my husband and I have lived together, once we realized that dinner hopping, and spending a lot of time stressing about timing is just not fun. So, our baking and cooking starts Monday, and come Thursday all that is left is turkey in the oven while we relax and watch the parade and movies with the family (we are not football people).
Monday: Breads
This will be more important this year, since we need to make some gluten free options. Rolls mostly, as well as the pie crusts to be prepped. Also, preparing stuffing bread.
Tuesday: Desserts
You just can't have a Thanksgiving meal end without pie. We typically do Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, and an Apple. The sweet potato pie I make is demanded by those who have had it in the past. I love that this recipe comes from Mike's Grandma Dell's only cook book, that has since been passed to him. It is a 1961 publication of Betty Crocker's New Picture Cook Book. It is such a lovely collection of recipes and interesting quips on proper wifely behavior.
Sweet Potato Pie (9" pie)
Monday: Breads
This will be more important this year, since we need to make some gluten free options. Rolls mostly, as well as the pie crusts to be prepped. Also, preparing stuffing bread.
1 Pie Crust
1 cup (16 Tbs.) Jules Gluten Free™ All-Purpose Flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tbs. shortening, butter or non-dairy alternative
3 Tbs butter or non-dairy alternative
2 – 3 tablespoons cold water
egg wash (1 egg + 1 Tbs. water) OR milk (dairy or non-dairy) for brushing on crust
1 cup (16 Tbs.) Jules Gluten Free™ All-Purpose Flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 Tbs. shortening, butter or non-dairy alternative
3 Tbs butter or non-dairy alternative
2 – 3 tablespoons cold water
egg wash (1 egg + 1 Tbs. water) OR milk (dairy or non-dairy) for brushing on crust
In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. Cut in the shortening and butter using flat paddle attachment on a stand mixer OR a pastry cutter. Add the water gradually to make the consistency you need to form a ball – err on the side of it being wetter rather than crumbly. Form a disc with the dough, wrap in plastic* and set aside on the counter for 30 minutes while you make your filling.
After allowing the dough to rest, roll the pastry out onto a surface dusted with flour. Roll to a diameter at least 1 inch larger than your pie pan. Gently lift an edge of the rolled out crust over your rolling pin and use the pin to lift the crust so that it is supported by the rolling pin as you lift it onto your pie plate. Pat into shape and fill with your desired filling.
*This is where I would stop on Monday, and put in the refrigerator overnight.
Tuesday: Desserts
You just can't have a Thanksgiving meal end without pie. We typically do Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, and an Apple. The sweet potato pie I make is demanded by those who have had it in the past. I love that this recipe comes from Mike's Grandma Dell's only cook book, that has since been passed to him. It is a 1961 publication of Betty Crocker's New Picture Cook Book. It is such a lovely collection of recipes and interesting quips on proper wifely behavior.
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Perfect Sweet Potato Pie |
1 3/4 cup mashed cooked sweet potatoes
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups milk
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp ginger
1 tbsp butter, melted
Heat oven to 425. Beat all ingredients, pour into prepared shell and bake 45-55 minutes or until knife inserted 1" from side of filling comes out clean. Center will set later. Serve after set or chilled.
Wednesday: Sides
All these dishes are prepared in oven safe containers so that all they need is to be cooked through before eating. It also allows flavors to combine, especially in the cranberry sauce, which we like to serve chilled.
Green Bean Casserole: Not that mushy fair you might remember.
We blanched and froze green beans from the garden just to have for this dish. Usually we would make our own cream of mushroom soup (it really is pretty easy, and WAY better than the canned stuff) but this year we are using Pacific Foods condensed cream of mushroom. Topped with homemade gluten free french fried onions, and I finally have a green bean casserole I don't have to force feed people.
Sweet Yams
I love the pretty color combination by using both sweet potatoes and yams. Peeled, chopped, tossed in a baking dish. Then I drizzle with some maple syrup, add a little water to the bottom, cover and cook until soft. Then, of course, we top with marshmallow and broil to crispy brown.
Cranberry Sauce
Now, my siblings insist that it isn't cranberry sauce unless it is shaped like a can. I am learning that I like fresh, as long as it has ample time to chill and the flavors to meld.
2 bags (12 oz each, ) Cranberries
1 1/3 cups water or juice (cranberry, pomegranate, and orange are good)
2 cups of Sugar or honey
Combine and cook until berries start to pop. Chill, and serve!
6 cups Gluten Free bread cubes
1 cup carrots, diced
1/2 cup celery, diced
1/2 cup onion, diced
1 apple, diced
1 tsp sage
1 tsp celery seed
1tsp thyme
1 tsp rosemary
1/2 cup water or white wine (more or less depending on how moist or dry you like your dressing)
Saute carrots, celery, onion, and apple until bright colored and slightly softened. Add seasonings. Deglaze pan with water or wine. Quickly toss with bread cubes, cover and bake until heated through.
Thursday: Turkey Day!
Wednesday: Sides
All these dishes are prepared in oven safe containers so that all they need is to be cooked through before eating. It also allows flavors to combine, especially in the cranberry sauce, which we like to serve chilled.
Green Bean Casserole: Not that mushy fair you might remember.
We blanched and froze green beans from the garden just to have for this dish. Usually we would make our own cream of mushroom soup (it really is pretty easy, and WAY better than the canned stuff) but this year we are using Pacific Foods condensed cream of mushroom. Topped with homemade gluten free french fried onions, and I finally have a green bean casserole I don't have to force feed people.
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Sweet Yams
I love the pretty color combination by using both sweet potatoes and yams. Peeled, chopped, tossed in a baking dish. Then I drizzle with some maple syrup, add a little water to the bottom, cover and cook until soft. Then, of course, we top with marshmallow and broil to crispy brown.
Cranberry Sauce
Now, my siblings insist that it isn't cranberry sauce unless it is shaped like a can. I am learning that I like fresh, as long as it has ample time to chill and the flavors to meld.
2 bags (12 oz each, ) Cranberries
1 1/3 cups water or juice (cranberry, pomegranate, and orange are good)
2 cups of Sugar or honey
Combine and cook until berries start to pop. Chill, and serve!
6 cups Gluten Free bread cubes
1 cup carrots, diced
1/2 cup celery, diced
1/2 cup onion, diced
1 apple, diced
1 tsp sage
1 tsp celery seed
1tsp thyme
1 tsp rosemary
1/2 cup water or white wine (more or less depending on how moist or dry you like your dressing)
Saute carrots, celery, onion, and apple until bright colored and slightly softened. Add seasonings. Deglaze pan with water or wine. Quickly toss with bread cubes, cover and bake until heated through.
Thursday: Turkey Day!
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Before |
After |
And it really IS all about the turkey today. Since we started using organic, free-range birds, Thanksgiving has tasted even better. I know brining is what all the top notch chefs tell you to do, but we have not seen that the added time and effort makes a big enough difference for the results achieved. Instead we rub the whole thing down with butter, getting some under the skin, and stuffing it with apples and aromatic herbs. (In the pictures above, we also threw some extra carrots, celery, and potato for making gravy from the drippings.) Heat up oven to 500, bake for about 30 minutes, lower heat to 300 and cook until internal temp reaches about 160. IF turkey starts to brown faster than temperature is rising, cover with foil to finish. Remove from oven, cover with foil if you haven't already, and leave to rest for 15-20 minutes.
While the turkey is roasting and resting it is time to heat up the sides made on Wednesday, as well as making the mashed potatoes and gravy (Sorry I can't help you with the gravy, that is Mike's forte). Ends up making for little more than an hour of actual kitchen time on the big day itself! Trust me, it is great.
Gluten free,
Meal Plan Monday,
soy free
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wordless Wednesday November 9th, 2011: Yoga!
I have a prenatal yoga DVD from the library. L1 loves to join in, though it doesn't usually last very long. This time, I think we made it about 30 minutes!
Making use without a yoga block. |
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Children with Knives! (And other Kitchen Tools)
Welcome to the November Carnival of Natural Parenting: Kids in the Kitchen
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by http://www.hobomama.com/2011/11/november-carnival-of-natural-parenting.html" target="_blank">Hobo Mama and http://codenamemama.com/2011/11/08/nov-carnatpar/" target="_blank">Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared how kids get involved in cooking and feeding. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.
I'll admit, I laugh a little inside when people tell me that kids in the kitchen is dangerous. That they shouldn't "play" with knives. Well, ok. No, they shouldn't PLAY with knives. They should be taught the right way to handle a knife. So, we have our Rules for Knives and we offer a few versions of knives, to work up to and practice these skills.
Rules for Knives
1. Only adults get out knives. The only time you may have a knife is if you are handed one.
2. Knives stay on the cutting boards. The end of the knife should stay on the cutting board, no pointing or moving about with a knife.
3. Don't lick the knife.
The "Play" Knife
For all manner of play foods: mostly wood and felt. Rare chance of actual damage being done, but isn't actually good for anything but play foods. The important part is trying to emphasize real knife safety in the playing.
We bought this knife with the idea that it would be a good teaching tool. Turns out, it is about the same tool you can get in a pumpkin carving kit. It is ok for teaching and letting them use on soft foods (bread, cheese, tomatoes) while we are cutting and not 100% eyes on, but it is dull. Dull knives can actually be dangerous because of the extra effort and force you need to get them to cut. Extra force can lead to loss of control and accidents. So it really needs just as much supervision as a sharp knife, so we figure "Why not teach them with a real knife?"
Only L1 has graduated to the Real Deal knife skills. We stay close, doing our best to stay calm and enforce the rules. He does remarkably well, but don't kids tend to surprise us with how well they can handle things when you are patient, calm, and trusting. I have come to learn that children behave irresponsibly with knives when we make them off limits and don't take the time to teach them how to be responsible with them. Not that we haven't had to make the decision for him that he is not in a responsible mood and needed to switched gears.
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He noticed the camera, next words to him were "Watch your knife and fingers." |
Do you work with your child in the kitchen? What tools do they like to use?
Visit Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting!
Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:
- Baking & letting go — Cooking with kids can be a mess. Nadia at Red White & GREEN Mom is learning to relax, be patient, and have fun with the process.
- Family feeding in Child of Mine — Lauren at Hobo Mama reviews Ellyn Satter's suggestions for appropriate feeding and points out where her family has problems following through.
- Children with Knives! (And other Kitchen Tools) — Jennifer at True Confessions of a Real Mommy teaches her children how to safely use knives.
- "Mommy, Can I Help?" — Kat at Loving {Almost} Every Moment writes about how she lets her kiddos help out with cooking, despite her {sometimes} lack of patience!
- Solids the Second Time Around — Sheryl at Little Snowflakes recounts her experiences introducing solids to her second child.
- The Adventure of Toddler Tastebuds — The Accidental Natural Mama shares a few things that helped her daughter develop an adventurous palate.
- A Tradition of Love — Kelly at Becoming Crunchy looks forward to sharing the kitchen traditions passed on from her mom and has already found several ways to involve baby in the kitchen.
- The Very Best Classroom — Alicia C. at McCrenshaw's Newest Thoughts reveals how her kitchen is more than a place to make food - it's a classroom!
- Raising Little Chefs — Chef Mike guest posts on Natural Parents Network about how he went from a guy who couldn't cook to a chef who wanted to teach his boys to know how the food we love is made.
- In the Kitchen with my kids — Isil at Smiling like Sunshine shares a delicious soup recipe that her kids love.
- Papa, the Pancake Artist — Papa's making an incredible breakfast over at Our Mindful Life.
- Kids won't eat salad? Try this one! — Tat at Mum in Search is sharing her children's favourite salad recipe.
- Recipe For a Great Relationship — Cooking with kids is about feeding hearts as well as bellies, writes Hannah at Wild Parenting.
- The Ritual of Mealtimes — Syenna at Gently Parenting Twins writes about the significance of mealtimes in her family’s daily rhythm.
- Kid, Meet Food. Food, Kid. — Alburnet at What's Next? panicks about passing on her food "issues" to her offspring.
- Growing Up in the Kitchen — Cassie at There's a Pickle in My Life shares how her son is growing up in the kitchen.
- Harvesting Corn and History — From Kenna at School Garden Year: The kids in the school garden harvest their corn and learn how much history grows in their food.
- My Guiding Principles for Teaching my Child about Food — Tree at Mom Grooves uses these guiding principles to give her daughter a love of good food and an understanding of nutrition as well as to empower her to make the best choices for her body.
- Kitchen Control — Amanda at Let's Take the Metro writes about her struggles to relinquish control in the kitchen to her children.
- Food — Emma at Your Fonder Heart lets her seven month old teach her how to feed a baby.
- Kitchen Fun? — Adrienne at Mommying My Way questions how much fun she can have in a non-functional kitchen, while trying to remain positive about the blessings of cooking for her family.
- Kitchen Adventures — Erica at ChildOrganics shares fun ways to connect with your kids in the kitchen.
- Kids in the Kitchen: Finding the Right Tools — Melissa at Vibrant Wanderings shares some of her favorite child-sized kitchen gadgets and where to find them.
- The Kitchen Classroom — Laura at Authentic Parenting knows that everything your kids want to learn is at the end of the ladle.
- Kids in the Kitchen — Luschka from Diary of a First Child talks about the role of the kitchen in family communication and shares fun kitchen activities for the under two.
- Our Kitchen is an Unschooling Classroom. — Terri at Child of the Nature Isle explores the many ways her kitchen has become a rich environment for learning.
- Montessori-Inspired Food Preparation for Preschoolers — Deb Chitwood at Living Montessori Now shares lots of resources for using Montessori food preparation activities for young children in the kitchen.
- My Little Healthy Eater — Christine at African Babies Don't Cry shares her research on what is the best first food for babies, and includes a healthy and yummy breakfast recipe.
- Two Boys and Papa in the Kitchen: Recipe for Disaster? — MudpieMama shares all about her fears, joys and discoveries when the boys and handsome hubby took over the kitchen.
- Food choices, Food treats — Henrietta at Angel Wings and Herb Tea shares her family's relationship with food.
- learning to eat — Catherine at learner mummy reflects on little M's first adventures with food.
- The Night My 7-Year-Old Made Dinner — Melodie at Breastfeeding Moms Unite! shares how her 7-year-old daughter surprised everyone by turning what started as an idea to play restaurant into pulling off making supper for her family.
- Cooking With a High-Needs Toddler — Sylvia at MaMammalia describes how Montessori-inspired activities and a bit of acceptance have helped her overcome hurdles in cooking while caring for a "high-needs" child.
- Kids in the Kitchen – teaching healthy food choices — Brenna at Almost All The Truth shares her belief in the importance of getting kids into the kitchen using her favorite cookbook for kids to develop healthy food choices now and hopefully into the future.
- Make Milk, Not War — Tamara at Tea for Three remembers the daily food fights as she struggled to feed a picky eater.
- teaching baby birds about good food. — Sarah at Small Bird on Fire writes about the ways in which her family chooses to gently teach their son how to make wise food decisions.
- 5 Ways to Enhance Your Baby or Young Toddler's Relationship with Food — Charise at I Thought I Knew Mama shares simple ways to give your child a healthy beginning to her lifelong relationship with food.
- Toddler at the Table: 10 Creative Solutions — Moorea at Mamalady shares tips for preventing meal-time power struggles.
- How My Child Takes Responsibility During His Mealtime... — Jenny @ I'm a full-time mummy shares how she teaches and encourages her 32 months old son on adopting good manners and responsibilities during his mealtimes...
- Kids in the Kitchen: 6 Tips Plus a Recipe — Kristin at Intrepid Murmurings shares six tips for overcoming some of the the difficulties of cooking with multiple young sous chefs, and a recipe they all can agree on!
- How BLW has made me a better parent — Zoe at Mummykins shares how baby-led weaning has changed her approach to parenting.
- My Budding Chef — Jenny at Chronicles of a Nursing Mom is no cook but is happy that her daughter has shown an inclination and manages to whip up yummy goodies for their family.
- Kids in the Kitchen: An Activity for Every Age — Gaby from Tmuffin describes how she keeps her kids busy in the kitchen, whether they are one week old or two years old.
- The Phantastically Mutlipurposed Phyllo — Ana at Pandamoly shares how Phyllo is used to create enticing dishes at home! Anything can be made into a Struedel!
- Kitchen Kids — Laura from A Pug in the Kitchen shares her children's most favorite recipe to make, experience and eat.
- Independence vs. Connection in the Kitchen: won't you please get yourself your own snack already? — Lisa at Organic Baby Atlanta wishes her daughter would just go make a mess in the kitchen. But her daughter only wants to do it together.
- Grandma Rose's Kitchen — Abbie at Farmer's Daughter reminisces about her childhood and dreams of filling her kitchen with people, love, noise, and messes.
- Healthy Food Choices for Kids — Jorje offers one way to encourage children to make their own healthy food choices at MommaJorje.com.
- Cooking food to thrive rather than survive — Phoebe at Little Tinker Tales is trying to foster a lifetime of good food habits by teaching her children about the importance of avoiding junk, cooking healthy meals, and learning about the whole food process.
- Evolution of a self-led eater — Sheila at A Gift Universe shares the story of how her son grew from nursing around the clock to eating everything in sight, without her having to push.
- 10 Ways Tiny Helps In The Kitchen — Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama explores the ways in which her toddler actively participates in kitchen-related activities.
- The Complexity of Feeding a Child — Feeding children a healthy diet is no straight-forward task, but Lisa at My World Edenwild shares some general guidelines to help your child thrive.
- Lactation Cookies — That Mama Gretchen shares a fun recipe that will benefit both mamas and babies!
- 50 of the Best Books, Websites, & Resources to Inspire Kids in the Kitchen — Need inspiration to get your kids in the kitchen? Dionna at Code Name: Mama rounds up some of the best books and websites that can serve as a source for ideas, recipes, and cooking with littles fun.
- A 4-year-old's smoothie recipe — Jen at Grow With Graces and her son set out to make a smoothie without the usual ingredients. She let him improvise. See how it turned out.
- Independent Food Preparation (My Toddler Can Do That?) — Megan at Montessori Moments shares simple ways for children to prepare their own healthy snacks.
- Follow Your Gut — Amy at Anktangle shares her philosophy about intuitive eating, and how she's trying to foster her son's trust in his own inner wisdom when he feels hungry.
- A TODDLER-STYLE LUNCH + RECIPE — Manic Mrs. Stone photographs how to have messy fun during lunchtime with a helpful toddler.
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